NEW PRODUCT: ColumnAir Packaging - for packaging fragile items
While we focus primarily on sealing equipment and materials, every once in a while, we come across a product with great potential for changing the packaging world and we have no choice but to introduce the product to our distributors.
ColumnAir Packaging will revolutionize how your customers package and ship fragile items such as wine bottles. Simply place the product in the deflated bag; inflate the bag using a portable compressor at the single inflation point and the bag will inflate all around the product to create a form fitting cushion. What is amazing about our ColumnAir Packaging bags is each inflated column is connected via a series of one-way valves so if any of the columns are pierced during shipping, the other columns remain inflated! Bags are shipped deflated saving reducing warehouse space for the space constrained.
Download our Spec Sheet for more information.